Presenter Guidelines

Driving Questions

For classical papers:
1) What background concepts did they use to frame their studies?
2) What methods/techniques did they use?
3) What conclusions did they draw?
4) What could they see versus what did they have to infer?
5) What problems are still open?

For new technology papers:
1) What gap is this technology closing?  (Which old problems can be solved with the new technology?)
2) What are the tools we are still missing? (What will the future bring?)

Format of the Journal Club

We are aiming for an informal, laid-back format, with plenty of time for fruitful and fun discussion.

Most of the classical papers are quite lengthy. We imagine the presentation to be based on the classical paper, but otherwise the presenters are free to structure their presentation as they like, guided by the driving questions. So, it is not necessary to cover all of the paper. Similarly for the technology sessions, there may be several pieces of literature relevant to the topic. Presenters may choose to introduce general concepts on the technology/technique and give examples from several papers; or focus on one paper.

The format is the following:

5 min - Introduction of the speaker and topic
25 min - Presentation
25 min - Discussion

*A note on presentations: Presenters are free to use these 25 minutes however they choose. Some may prefer to give a mini-lecture, while others may prefer to break the presentation into sections that address the driving questions. Also, the level of interaction is at the discretion of the presenter--they are welcome to insert questions or discussion periods into their presentation to get the group involved.

Time and Location (unless otherwise indicated)

Every Friday at noon, Marine Resources Center 3rd floor conference room (MRC 310).

Blog Posts

Directly after every journal club meeting, we will hold a blog post writing session where anyone who wants to remain can contribute to writing a brief post about the reading and discussion of the week.


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