Welcome to the Embryo Journal Club blog

This blog will be built around a weekly journal club held during the summer at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, United States. The idea behind the Embryo Journal Club is for researchers, students, and aficionados to dive into the classic embryology studies that we love in order to rediscover their ideas and insights and identify their black boxes and technical limits. Our hope is that these discussions, and this blog, will be of use to the research community that is now developing use of fluorescent dyes, genetic tools, live imaging and atlases, and VR/AR platforms to study development in diverse organisms.

Classical embryology papers will alternate every other week with cutting-edge technology papers. For summer 2018 we will focus on spiral cleaving embryos.

Camera lucida! Light sheet! Embryo!

-Beatrice, Duygu, Eric, and Kate 


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